Free until you're ready to go live

Take as long as you need to set up our app on your Webflow site. Subscribe to a paid plan only when you are ready to publish to a custom domain.



per month


  • Custom domain
  • domain
  • 1k page views per month
  • 100 posts per month
  • Community posting
  • Commenting
  • Reviews & ratings
  • CMS Audio Player
per month

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas massa massa id.

  • Custom domain
  • 5k page views per month
  • 50 posts per month
  • Community posting
  • Commenting
  • Reviews & ratings
  • CMS Audio Player
per month

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas massa massa id.

  • Custom domain
  • 50k page views per month
  • 300 posts per month
  • Community posting
  • Commenting
  • Reviews & ratings
  • CMS Audio Player
Best value
per month

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas massa massa id.

  • Custom domain
  • 200k page views per month
  • 1.5k posts per month
  • Community posting
  • Commenting
  • Reviews & ratings
  • CMS Audio Player

Frequently asked pricing questions

Do you offer a free plan?
Yes, our app is free on staging domains. This free plan is intended to give you as much time as needed to try out our app & test it out before publishing to a custom domain. To publish our app on a custom domain, a subscription to one of our paid plans is required.
Do you offer a free trial on paid plans?
Yes, you can try out our app on a custom app through a 7 day trial. No credit card needed!
What counts as a pageview?
A pageview is counted any time comment or review section is loaded. Pageviews will only be counted on pages with comment sections. If you wanted to add two comment or reviews sections to a single page, 2 pageviews will be counted each time the page is loaded.
What counts as a post?
A post is counted any time a user posts a comment, review, or community post.
What will happen if I exceed my monthly pageview or post limit?
Reviews, comments, and community posts will not be loaded to your website(s) until the start of the next monthly period or you upgrade your account. Don't worry though, you will be automatically notified once you are nearing close to this limit. You can also track your pageviews & posts in our account dashboard.
Can I use your tool on multiple Webflow projects?
Yes! You can add Supersparks to as many projects as you want, without needing to purchase a plan for each project. Please note, each plans limits are for page views and posts across all websites, not for each website.
Do you offer discounts for non-profits and students?
Yes! 30% off on our pro & premium plans.
Do you offer a plan beyond the premium plan?
Yes! Get in touch with us at and we will provide a custom quote!